Feline Future Cat Food Company is turning 30 years old this year! 30 years of raw, fresh, homemade cat food made easy. Minimally processed food for the whole nutritional benefit, prepared with meats you choose yourself. If you have questions, contact me at [email protected] 

Avian Influenza H5N1 and recently reported deaths in cats eating raw food: 

First off, TCfeline premix, Original and Special Formula, do not contain ingredients of poultry origin. None of the ingredients in TCfeline premix are made in British Columbia. All of the ingredients, except for dried krill, are intended for human consumption and are highly regulated. Dried krill does not pose a risk of being infected with Avian Influenza Virus, because it originates in the Antarctic. British Columbia is one of the regions in Canada reporting outbreaks of Avian Flu spread by migratory wild birds to domestic poultry (chickens, turkeys, quail, ducks). My facility has no contact with domestics poultry or migratory wild birds. Other reports say Avian Flu has infected dairy cattle. Whey protein isolate in TCfeline is a supplement made from whey, which is from originally from milk. However, there is no risk of your cat becoming infected with Avian Flu from the whey protein isolate in TCfeline, because the milk used to make the cheese to make the whey to make the whey protein isolate was pasteurized.  

My recommendation is to avoid feeding poultry meats, which is my standing recommendation, or to cook poultry meats before adding the premix and feeding the food to your cat. If you typically feed beef, it is your choice to cook it first. Beef typically comes from beef cattle which are kept differently from dairy cattle - the type of cattle reportedly infected with Bird Flu. Suggestions on how to cook meat cat be found here: 

Keep cats indoors and remove bird feeders if you live in the affected areas in British Columbia. Bird feeders could attract wild birds and contaminate your yard with bird droppings that you might carry into your home on your shoes. Outdoor cats are at risk, because they may predate infected wild birds or come in contact with feces from infected wild birds. 

TCfeline cat food premix was created and is available for the benefit of cats. After 30 years, my main motivation remains to provide cats with the best food and, hopefully, prevent the many diseases and disorders that can rob them of quality of life, duration of life, and cause hardship and grief for their humans.

This started as the Feline Future Foundation in 1995. Although now operating as Feline Future Cat Food Company, I once again operate as a not-for-profit business to keep the premix affordable in these difficult economic times. The business has no staff, and all aspects are run by me alone, which creates obvious limits, for which I ask your understanding and tolerance.

My focus remains on the product, continuous research, and care of the study cats, to keep the premix second only to mice, and in the sourcing of the best, no-compromise ingredients. Keeping those ingredients in stock can create some delays in the supply chain. The packaging and supportive literature as been kept basic and inexpensive on purpose. The popularity of TCfeline cat food premix can sometimes create periods where demand exceeds availability, and shipping of orders can sometimes be delayed due to backlog.

TCfeline users are advised to reorder one month ahead of running out of cat food premix, as a precaution, in the event of delays on my end and to account for shipping time. I strive to ship orders within 1-2 days of receipt, but within one week is more realistic. An easy to make cat food recipe is available, see below,  if a TCfeline user finds themselves out of premix and needs to bridge a period until their order arrives.

EASY-TO-MAKE Cat Food Recipe. Use for up to two weeks:

  • 900 g fresh meat, ground or in very small chunks
  • 100 g fresh liver, ground or pureed*
  • 2 raw egg yolks (no whites)
  • shells of two eggs **
  • up to 1/2 cup water for texture when using ground meat

omit if you know your cat will not like this or substitute with 20 g freeze dried liver. Freeze dried liver is readily available in most pet stores as dog treats. It comes as cubes which can be made into a powder with the use of a designated coffee bean grinder.

 **dried in the oven at 200 F for 15 minutes and turned into powder with a clean electric coffee been grinder or with a mortar and pestle, OR blend raw with the yolks in a food blender/food processor. Make sure to omit egg white. Egg white should not be fed raw, because it contains an enzyme that makes Thiamine (a B vitamin) unavailable to your cat. 



1.) Order two pouches at once to save on shipping per pouch. It costs marginally more to ship two pouches compared to shipping one.

2.) Order two pouches and re-order as soon as you open the second pouch.  I urge customers to reorder at least one month before running out of food, but it is even better to reorder the day you open the second pouch. 

3.) If you can, order four pouches at once and get a 10% discount. Keep the extra pouches in the freezer to extend the shelf life.

4.) Buy meat wholesale. You can get a variety of meats directly from meat packers or farm direct. Do some research into what is available in your area. The average cat consumes 73 pounds (33 kg) of meat per year. Buying 6 months (37 pounds) of your cat's meat in advance from a wholesale source saves money and time, and prevents stress. Package the meat as 1 pound portions and keep frozen in a chest freezer (look to your online classifieds for a used free or cheap freezer). Thaw the meat in the fridge for making cat food. Re-freeze as individual cat food portions, or cut the recipe in half, or less, and feed the cat food fresh out of the fridge over 2-3  days instead of re-freezing it (that is what I do with my 9 cats).

5.) Meat prices are going up as well, but pork appears to remain affordable. You can blend lean red meats or poultry meats with half lean pork (not sausage meat!!!). Cats love pork! Buy only commercially raised pork, because pasture-raised pork can carry Trichinella spiralis (a nematode parasite).

6.) Use fresh liver with TCfeline Original instead of the freeze-dried alternative. Fresh liver is far less expensive and a better choice nutritionally. Resort to using the freeze-dried liver alternative only if your cat will not eat the food otherwise.

7.) If your cat is an adult, you can alternate with or switch to TCfeline Special Formula. TCfeline Special Formula is not for sick cats, although it was formulated to be reduced in Phosphorus for cats with kidney disease and cats that can not have bone because of recurring constipation. It is a balanced diet, drawing its source for calcium from other ingredients, and in many cases preferred by cats for its taste. It is, however, not suitable for kittens, adolescent cats, or pregnant or lactating cats that need a diet higher in minerals, and minerals from a food source like bone while they are growing. TCfeline Special Formula costs less, because you use less, and some of the most expensive ingredients (freeze dried bone and gelatin) are not a part of it. One option with TCfeline Special Formula is to add the bone and gelatin back in with use of meats with bone (like whole ground chicken), which will create more portions of cat food per batch for the same cost. A product insert details all your options with preparation instructions.